Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sample Week ... I guess so

Hey -

First of all I have to tell that I have given up Facebook for Lent - that pretty much means the only update about my workout is this blog ... and I am so bad in doing so - please forgive me.

I am drinking my Shakeology every day and my most favorite recipe is the one with frozen (organic) raspberries - yummy.

This week has been slow on doing workout - I would call it more a try-out-week. Waking up at 5:30 am and taking a shower first otherwise I am not able to do anything - doing the Shakelogy 30 minute workout (which comes with the first order of Shakeology if you order Home-Direct), and then another shower and getting ready to go to work.
So pretty much from 7:30am-6:30pm I am busy working as a Full-Time-Nanny for 3 kiddos (another is expected any day from now). Coming home from such a long day - there is my temptation just to put my feet up and read a book or watch my favorite TV show HGTV - so this week I did a Monday and Wednesday Brazil Butt Lift Workout and oh yeah you can feel it and I am really promising myself to do that every evening starting next week.

I also did change my diet this week. Eating according to Leandro's Fat Burning Meal Plan I have eaten very delicious meals. The advantage I have at work is that I am able to eat very healthy - like only organic and non processed food, also sugar and gluten free ... that's a great experience and knowing I only put "super healthy" food into my body makes me feel "clean" and "energetic" ...

I will use this week for more of the "Try-Out-Workout" time and commit myself to a 100% BBL starting next Monday - I need to and I want to so bad ... I need all the support I can get and any ideas how to use that last bit of energy I have left after a 11-12 hour day at work (I bet the best advice would be doing BBL in the morning...)

Thanks for stopping by and whoever does any kind of workout - DO not give up!!

1 comment:

Squared Away with Coach Hovater said...

I would do BBL in morning for sure.. It will wake you up and get you ready for the kiddo'