Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sleep Deprived??

Over a week ago was the last time I posted a post ...

I have to admit that I am not able to do the workout. Now I am not trying to find excuses or some kind of explanation - except that I am a Full Time Nanny for like 11-12 hours a day and that now for 4 kids (since on March 11 of this year little Ellie was born) ...
I am not having a fix lunch break nor do I leave their house during the week except for like 2 hours to run errands.
As soon as I am coming home I check my email and take a quick shower and then get cosy to read a book and not even 2 hours later I am off to sleep (no later than 10:00pm). Aww and then in the morning I wake up early (I guess to snooze and watch the news since I am not able to follow what going on in the world during work hours) ...

So that pretty much summarized it - BUT I am replacing once a day a meal with the Shakeology Shake and I guess that Vitamin Input give me a new kind of sense ...

I am still very encouraged to start a committed workout at some point but whoever is a Mom out there kind of knows what I am talking about.

When things settle down at work and I can commit myself during my off-time to do my workout in their basement ... Till then I'll keep ya'll posted like once a week.

Do not give up on me!!


1 comment:

Squared Away with Coach Hovater said...

Nobody is giving up on you have to get rest also ;-)